Friday, October 9, 2009

World Building, Part One

Alright, so my novel is set in a world known as Ynys Pryd.

Now this world is Anglo-Saxon England meets the modern era, with elements of Steampunk thrown in. It picks up right when England was still in the Heptarchy and ruled essentially by seven small Kingdoms.

One year in Ynys Prid is divided up into 13 months each with 27 days and an eight day week. There are 365 days in the year. The remaining 14 days are void days.


  1. Greetings fellow nano blogger! Your novel sounds very interesting :) Thought I'd stop by and say hello. I'm on the forums as brilliantnoir *waves*

  2. Thanks, very much for stopping by. There'll be more posted in the next few days.
