Monday, October 12, 2009

Introducing Morwenna Caine, Part Two

Alright, some more about the character of Morwenna Caine.

Turns out she has a younger half brother by the name of Myrrdin. Her father is the King Gwydion of Cierdwyn and her mother is the notorious witch Morgaine. As it turns out the King's wife Cerridwen was found to be barron, so they called upon the services of Morgaine to help them conceive an heir. From this magic Myrrdin was born and thus the Kingdom was secure.

Only when Morwenna's true parentage is revealed do things start to get a little more complicated. Morgaine threatens to undo the magic that brought Myrrdin into the world, making it as though he never existed. Cerridwen pleads with her not to, as she doesn't want to see her only son no longer living. In doing so she comes up with a plan she believes to be fool-proof. As the boy is nearing his ninth birthday, Cerridwen thinks he should undergo his Witch tests to determine whether or not he has any magical talent. In doing so it is determined that he doesn't, due to the fact that he was brought into the world with such potent magic and wasn't conceived in the natural way, none of his witch-genes were passed onto him.

However, during the boys testing a civil war breaks out, threatening the life of Morwenna. It isn't until Myrrdin steps foward denouncing his claim to the Cierdwyn throne that the trouble is put aside.

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